Unlock Your Inner Wisdom

Join our 8 month experiential training to develop your intuition and lead a life more in sync with your deepest desires and ultimate destiny.

Imagine a world where you're not just reacting to life...

you're actively creating it.

Imagine being able to navigate the complexities of life with an inner compass that never steers you wrong.

A world where every decision you make is guided by a profound inner wisdom, where you're always in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people and seizing the right opportunities.

Where you effortlessly understand and communicate with the people in your life...

Have confidence and clarity in your business or career decisions...

Experience greater intimacy and connection with your partner...

Are unphased by negativity or the collective consciousness...

And are able to apply your energy where it truly matters...

This is the power of a finely tuned intuition.


What is Intuition?

Intuition is a subtle and often underestimated power within each of us. It's the inner voice or "gut feeling" that seems to arise out of nowhere. This mysterious yet profound aspect of our consciousness acts as an internal compass, guiding us through life's complexities with an understanding that transcends rational thought.

In the realm of the spiritual and the divine, intuition is as a direct line to a higher wisdom, an ethereal whisper from our true selves, or the universe communicating with us. When we tap into our intuitive powers, we open the doors to an extraordinary alignment with our true purpose, our passions, and the universe at large.

We believe that intuition is a skill that can be cultivated and refined. Our experiential training is designed to unlock and expand your intuitive abilities, allowing you to step into a life of greater alignment, fulfillment, and spiritual connection.

Experience The Awakened Superhuman

Enrolling in The Awakened Superhuman is a 9 month journey.

You'll join monthly live group trainings (or watch the replay if you can't make it) and practice your intuitive skills via guided exercises and solo homework. By the conclusion of the program you will have experienced:

  • Enhanced decision making abilities in life, love, people and business

  • Deeper emotional connections to the people and world around you

  • Increased self awareness and understanding of your desires and purpose

  • Improved mental and physical wellbeing

  • Enhanced manifestation of abundance and success in various aspects of life

  • Advanced communication skills that go beyond words

  • Business and career growth, goal advancement and success

  • Skills for energetic protection and balance

Harnessing your intuition is like unlocking a magical inner compass, always pointing you towards your highest potential and deepest joys.

Explore the 9 Month Curriculum

Our 9 Powerful Practices

Being in tune with your intuition isn't just about making better decisions; it's about becoming an open receiver to the wisdom of the universe, a co-creator of your destiny. Throughout the 9 month experience, you'll dive into 9 modalities of intuition including:


Telepathy is the remarkable ability to transmit and receive thoughts and feelings directly from one mind to another without the use of spoken words or physical gestures. This modality of intuition allows a profound connection and understanding beyond conventional communication, fostering deeper empathy and connection.

Animal Communication

This intuitive practice involves connecting with the minds and emotions of animals. It's a heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind communication that deepens our bond with our animal companions, enabling us to understand their needs, feelings, and even their wisdom about the world.

Healing Gifts

Intuitive healing is the ability to channel healing energy and insights to oneself or others. This modality involves sensing and addressing energetic imbalances, emotional pains, or physical ailments, often leading to profound transformations in health and well-being.

Intuition in Business

Business intuition is the uncanny knack for making strategic decisions that align with the market's pulse. It involves reading between the lines, anticipating trends, and understanding people's unspoken needs, driving innovation and success in a competitive landscape.

Intuition in Relationships and Intimacy

In relationships, intuition plays a key role in understanding and connecting with others on a deeper level. This modality helps in sensing the needs and feelings of partners, fostering a deeper level of intimacy, empathy, and mutual understanding.

Manifesting Opportunities

Intuition is a powerful tool in manifesting opportunities. It involves trusting one's gut feelings about when to act, recognizing serendipitous moments, and seizing the chances that feel inherently right, thus paving the path for success and fulfillment.

Interpreting Signs and Symbols

This aspect of intuition involves the ability to understand and interpret the signs and symbols that the universe sends our way. It's about reading the subtle messages hidden in our daily experiences and dreams, providing guidance and insights.

Untangling from the Collective

This modality of intuition helps in creating emotional and energetic boundaries. It involves sensing and protecting oneself from negative energies or influences from others and the collective, maintaining personal harmony and balance.

Being Open Receivers

Being an open receiver is about maintaining an openness and readiness to receive intuitive insights. It's about tuning in to the subtle energies and messages that surround us, staying receptive to guidance, and trusting the wisdom that flows through us.

Hosted by

Emily Rivera

With Emily, you're not merely accessing rehearsed insights or playbooks found in self-help books... you are directly connecting to higher realms, drawing enlightenment straight from Source.

Emily's unique attunement to angelic frequencies ensures that every moment, every lesson, every breakthrough is overseen and enriched by the angels themselves.

Join The Awakened Superhuman to take part in divine communion. Emily serves as your conduit, ensuring you don't just learn, but truly experience the ethereal and the divine.


  • 9 Month Training + Group Coaching

  • Lifetime Access to Training Videos

  • Intuition Workbook

  • Discounted 1:1 Coaching Session Options with Emily


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